Young Italian teacher trained to be a porn fucker!
Well, once again it's the next round of one of Paulina & my challenges. Today I have my 2nd Italian lesson with a real Italian! I'm really looking forward to learning another foreign language, sitting in an Italian cafe & twisting her pretty head at the Italians there.. Paulina also knows that I think my teacher is pretty hot, but a teacher is a teacher! ..Or? Actually, I could have guessed it. Before my class, Paulina comes up to me & starts "If I were you…". I knew right away. She continues laughing "..then I would seduce & fuck my Italian teacher!". What can I say? Somehow I want it too.. So now he arrives, I've already placed the camera in such a way that he doesn't notice it directly & then I start groping him. He doesn't really fight back, so I'm free! After I briefly informed him about my little project, he is also very wild about me..