He wants a masturbation aid! Cum on my HOT leather ass!!!
I actually wanted to prepare my presentation for university until I was interrupted. My husband calls for my help, but I wasn't expecting that. He wants to use me as a wank template ??! As sweet as I am, I comply with his request… First he wants me to play with my tits and then with my tongue sticking out! But then he asks for another favor, he wants to look at my ass in doggy style in my leather pants. Suddenly he starts to pull my pants down, wet my pussy and push the tip of his cock in… So much for “I need a wank template”. But that's enough now!! Finally cum on my ass!! No sooner said than done… He relieves a huge portion of cum on my hot leather ass. Kisses, your Tessa :** #Leather #Wank template #teen