*TOO CRAZY?! My first real THROAT! *
Fortunately, I only have to write, because it is no longer possible to talk … But I'll start at the beginning. Well, I know that a lot of men think it's great when women get their penis completely in their mouths. The couple of times I watched porn with friends for fun, my gag reflex was already noticeable while watching. So please don't get it wrong, I think it's admirable when women can do something like that, I just don't belong … But, I want to keep learning, so I did my “homework” and bought myself a flexible dildo to practice. When I then thought that I would be able to do this to some extent, I switched to the living object, yes I mean the tail of my roommate. What I did not consider was that my roommate not only has a much thicker cock than my dildo and that he would do anything to stop pressing my neck on his rock hard erection until he could. Really guys, my throat has never, really NEVER been fucked like this … #teens